Plaki Lamb Shank: Greek Oven Tradition

Plaki Lamb Shank: Greek Oven Tradition

Plaki, a traditional culinary delight from Greece, is an exquisite example of Mediterranean cuisine that has stood the test of time. Originating from the ancient Greek culinary roots, it is known for its simplicity, fresh flavors, and slow cooking that enhances the essence of the ingredients used. Join us to learn more about this exquisite dish and its preparation.


What is Plaki?

Plaki is a cooking method that involves baking fish or meat with a combination of fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs, olive oil, and a touch of lemon. This slow cooking process allows the flavors to blend and intensify, creating an extraordinary gastronomic experience that delights the senses.


Wood-Fired Shank of Lamb Plaki: A Culinary Experience at Ilios

We take pride in offering our unique interpretation of this cooking method with our Wood-Fired Plaki Lamb Shank. This exquisite preparation begins with a carefully selected leg of lamb, marinated in a blend of Mediterranean spices and fresh herbs that infuse every bite with unparalleled flavor.


Our Lamb Shank is slow-cooked in our wood-fired oven for 18 hours, ensuring a juicy and tender texture that melts in your mouth. During this cooking process, the flavors develop and intensify, creating a perfect harmony of fresh ingredients and Mediterranean fragrances.


The Magic of the Wood-Fired Oven

Our wood-fired oven is the heart of our kitchen, infusing every dish with the authentic flavor and tradition of Greek cuisine. The slow and careful cooking in our wood-fired oven captures the essence of each ingredient, creating an unforgettable culinary experience that transports our diners to the picturesque coasts of Greece.


Discover the Pleasure of Plaki at Ilios

We invite you to delight your senses with our Wood-Fired Plaki Lamb Shanksi at Ilios. Experience the richness of Greek culinary tradition and discover the supreme pleasure of Plaki in every bite.


Reserve your table and discover the authentic taste of Greece at Ilios.